To whom are we selling? #tuttleconsult

We’ve been round this one before for consulting, soon after we did the work with the British Council.  Where I think we got was that we needed to pitch it to lots of people, take it round and refine the pitch.

Our Fridays are full of conversations making sense of new waves of technology.  We have people who can talk with authority about pretty much any subject.  But we’re also good generalists many of whom have worked in big organisations.  We’re not unsympathetic to the realities of corporate life, but we step firmly outside it. We can really help people who are stuck, who are struggling with thriving in a networked world, who know they need to change but don’t quite know how and could do with some help experimenting with new ways of working and new ways of being in work.  We can also help people who know that they need exposure to people who are comfortable on the edge – we can be “rent-a-freak” for those people whose networks are getting stale or have been talking to the usual suspects for too long.

We have a (still) unusual engagement model, where we take the simplest of briefs and bring the Tuttle experience to you to talk it over, refine it and turn it into productive projects.

So who can we go and see?  Who have you been talking to lately who could do with an intervention?  Who could benefit from a visit from the friends of Harry Tuttle?

Private messages are welcome as well as public comments.

2 thoughts on “To whom are we selling? #tuttleconsult”

  1. There’s a lot to this.

    One thing is that the people with the power to hire us might not be the people to identify the need nor benefit from an intervention.

    Another, which I’ve struggled with myself, is who sets the agenda? Within organisations, power is balanced. What might benefit owners might harm managers; what benefits managers might harm employees.

    For instance, working on process or organisational structures means that that some employees or managers roles might be threatened.

    I think being aware of these balances, difficult and nuanced as they may be, could be important.

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