Video: Ross Smith on our #IWD2016 travels @rossy_smith


Here’s the lovely man who patiently drove us around town on International Women’s Day.  He recaps the day’s journeys in true London cabbie style and talks a bit about how he uses Twitter at work.

We really enjoyed having the luxury of a professional and friendly driver all day long.

Follow that cab (driver) on Twitter.

[This video shows what I’ve been fearing for a while that the camera on my phone is very poor in low light.  I don’t know what all that purple streakiness is, but it’s not intentional and not solved by cleaning the lens]

Podcast: #IWD2016 Debrief at the end of the day with @technokitten

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A little postscript to the interviews we did on International Women’s Day. Before we went off to sit in the National Theatre kitchen and have some tea (I had some chips, I think Helen had some soup, but I was too tired to remember clearly) we sat and talked over what had gone well and what we’d like to do next time. And of course, a big thank-you to all the people who got involved.

To whom are we selling? #tuttleconsult

We’ve been round this one before for consulting, soon after we did the work with the British Council.  Where I think we got was that we needed to pitch it to lots of people, take it round and refine the pitch.

Our Fridays are full of conversations making sense of new waves of technology.  We have people who can talk with authority about pretty much any subject.  But we’re also good generalists many of whom have worked in big organisations.  We’re not unsympathetic to the realities of corporate life, but we step firmly outside it. We can really help people who are stuck, who are struggling with thriving in a networked world, who know they need to change but don’t quite know how and could do with some help experimenting with new ways of working and new ways of being in work.  We can also help people who know that they need exposure to people who are comfortable on the edge – we can be “rent-a-freak” for those people whose networks are getting stale or have been talking to the usual suspects for too long.

We have a (still) unusual engagement model, where we take the simplest of briefs and bring the Tuttle experience to you to talk it over, refine it and turn it into productive projects.

So who can we go and see?  Who have you been talking to lately who could do with an intervention?  Who could benefit from a visit from the friends of Harry Tuttle?

Private messages are welcome as well as public comments.

From The Archive: No Hunting Like Snowhunting (2006) with @debbiedavies

Once upon a time, early in 2006, I sat on the floor in Debbie Davies’s flat in Dolphin Square, cradling a cup of tea and explaining to her that I wanted to start a videoblog and that I thought she should be in it too.  I explained what it would entail, that we’d make a video and put it on the internet and then we’d see what happened.  She thought I was a bit mad but then, she’s a bit mad too so she said yes.

Well this was the first.  It hasn’t been seen for a while because it was too early for YouTube and I stopped paying for the hosting it was on.  Wait… Too early for YouTube? Yes, I think I had an account, but there was an upload limit (10MB?) and this wouldn’t fit.  So the next in the series “Desperately Seeking Harvey” ended up being my first video on YouTube.  And now the kids think they invented this kind of vlogging in 2009…

We were also too early for Twitter and Facebook, so unless you were subscribing to my blog at the time, it’s unlikely you’ve seen it either.  A lost classic…

In summary, the plot is this: Lloyd & Debbie hear that there’s snow forecast north of London and so get in Debbie’s car to drive until they find snow at which point they’ll make a snowman and go home.  Little do they know just how far away the snow is…


Video: Rufus Norris on diversity at the National Theatre #IWD2016


We ended our International Women’s Day dash around London with an interview with the Director of the National Theatre, Rufus Norris.  Here, Rufus talks about the importance of a national institution representing the nation through the people who work there.

[Disclosure: Rufus is an old pal so forgive us some giggles at the start when he tells us who he is 🙂 ]

Helen Keegan and I spent International Women’s Day interviewing women (and some men) in tech (and other sectors!) in London about their experience of gender in the workplace and where we’re at with equality. We’re releasing the audio as podcasts over the next couple of days with minimal editing. We will produce a digest of all the conversations later in the week.

Podcast: Gillian Hughes of Veoo for #IWD2016 @gillyhug @VeooSMS

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Gillian Hughes of Veoo talks about her experience of going into engineering after being at a Dublin girls boarding school and her career afterwards with mBlox, WWE and Facebook.  She talks about being able to do whatever you want, doing things people didn’t expect her to do and ignoring social limits.  Helen and Gillian discuss their experiences as women attending industry events like Mobile World Congress and the importance of showcasing women’s work to general audiences.  Gillian finishes up with her advice on negotiating salary.

Helen Keegan and I spent International Women’s Day interviewing women (and some men) in tech (and other sectors!) in London about their experience of gender in the workplace and where we’re at with equality. We’re releasing the audio as podcasts over the next couple of days with minimal editing. We will produce a digest of all the conversations later in the week.

Podcast: Muki Kulhan on working with young people for #IWD2016 @mukiapproved

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We bundled Muki into the back of our cab and drove her round the block, asking her about what IWD means to her and what’s good about it.  She talks about the challenges of sexism and being judged adversely at work. But her hope for the future is rooted in her recent mentoring work with younger people including London360, Apps for Good and the BBC micro:bit.

Helen Keegan and I spent International Women’s Day interviewing women (and some men) in tech (and other sectors!) in London about their experience of gender in the workplace and where we’re at with equality. We’re releasing the audio as podcasts over the next couple of days with minimal editing. We will produce a digest of all the conversations later in the week.


Podcast: Tracy Dorée & Russell Buckley of Spring Partners @tracydoree @russellbuckley #IWD2016

Dowload (10MB)

Tracy and Russell talk about their investments and how they run the partnership based on the belief that diverse teams deliver better results.  As far as we know, they’re the only gender-balanced venture firm at partner level.  They share their experience of gender balance in entrepreneurs getting funding.

Helen Keegan and I spent International Women’s Day interviewing women (and some men) in tech (and other sectors!) in London about their experience of gender in the workplace and where we’re at with equality. We’re releasing the audio as podcasts over the next couple of days with minimal editing. We will produce a digest of all the conversations later in the week.

Podcast: Sue Black OBE @Dr_Black on her hopes for the future of equality in tech #IWD2016

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Thanks to mobile technology we were able to be flexible on our journey across London on Tuesday and that meant being able to arrange on the fly to intercept Sue Black on her way to the IWD debate at the House of Commons later in the afternoon. We got to flick through a copy of her book, Saving Bletchley Park, which came out on Thursday

Sue tells us how she started out, about the writing and speaking she does now and running #techmums which builds confidence in disadvantaged women and encourages them to start coding. She talks about her early experience of setting up networking opportunities for women like BCS Women and how although progress on gender equality can feel really slow, she does feel a change in people’s attitudes recently and how being a geek is becoming trendy. She finishes up with what she was hoping to hear in Parliament and then we let her speed off to Westminster.

Helen Keegan and I spent International Women’s Day interviewing women (and some men) in tech (and other sectors!) in London about their experience of gender in the workplace and where we’re at with equality. We’re releasing the audio as podcasts over the next couple of days with minimal editing. We will produce a digest of all the conversations later in the week.

Podcast: Nathalie Richards of @edukitters & Jane van Aken of @cabapp #IWD2016

Download (15MB)

Jane started in nursing and healthcare management and then changed course to join CabApp to do business development. Nathalie worked at Accenture, KPMG and Apple before founding her social enterprise EduKit which helps school find youth service support for pupils.

You’ll hear about their journeys in their respective careers, their experience of pay inequality, Jane’s idea of #ThisWomanCan to help bring women back to work in ways they might not first think of, the barriers girls and women face in technology, how language is used to treat men and women differently in the workplace, systemic and institutional prejudice, and some top tips for women helping themselves, finding helpful peers and mentors as well as a round up of their thoughts for the future.

Helen Keegan and I spent International Women’s Day interviewing women (and some men) in tech (and other sectors!) in London about their experience of gender in the workplace and where we’re at with equality. We’re releasing the audio as podcasts over the next couple of days with minimal editing. We will produce a digest of all the conversations later in the week.