Category Archives: pffft

No, I’m not aquiver with excitement.

When I flicked through the latest Dolphin Square “Tenants Times” I admit I was taken in on first reading, but on closer examination, the letters page seems to make it clear that the story that Prince William is to move into the Square was a spoof – “our exclusive news item which appeared on the DSTA website for one day only Sunday 1 April prompted some of the Square’s wags to have their say.”

However, that hasn’t stopped Hello Magazine and the Daily Express republishing the story, referencing the newsletter as the source. The Express gossip apparently talking to a royal aide to give it some weight.

Update: DSTA gloats on the lack of fact-checking

Your lunch today was brought to you by the letter ‘C’

This plate is brought to you by the letter 'C'This plate is brought to you by the letter 'C'

Today I had lunch at the Stockpot in Old Compton Street. I ordered Chicken Madras and a Diet Coke and got the above pictured Cornucopia of c-word food.

It was a Chicken Curry which included Courgettes, Corn and Carrots, not to mention the Carrots, Cabbage and Chips on the side. Sadly my taste buds were inadequate in discerning how much Cumin or Coriander had been included. In the pictures you can see some of the Condiments also on the table and the second picture has some added Cucumber, offered by my dining partner who’s name *definitely doesn’t* start with a ‘C’.

Oh and we sat in the corner.