Walking in an Interesting2007 way

I thought I’d add a walkit.com widget to the interesting2007 wiki like the following, but it wouldn’t work (it showed up, but threw an error when I submitted it).

I’m posting it here to see if it will work any better, but wordpress.com is sometimes funny about these things too.

If it doesn’t work, Jamie should consider this a bug report 🙂


Enter your starting point (e.g. postcode) to get walking directions

OK, so it’s a great idea – you should get an input box that lets you put your starting point in and then search for a route to a fixed destination (in this case the Conway Hall) but it doesn’t work for me in pbwiki or wordpress.com

Head down

Want to blog today but no can do as the Perfect Path editing suite is at capacity working on the rest of the videos from Second Chance Tuesday and a top-secret super hush-hush and really quite evil thing which may or may not be related to this.

Very nice Social Media Club meetup last night, not least because I met Rupert Howe, who rocks.

Prolly see you after the weekend.

New Moo Notecards

New Moo Notecards !!Now with extra added “Yay!”

In a hurry and doing a 100 other things (which is what I said I wasn’t going to do today *at all*) but here are a sample of the new moo product to complement their lovely calling cards which everyone I meet simply drools over (I said “simply” not “literally” – ewwwww)

They are Notecards – 100mm x 100mm square with a 42mm flap on the side to enable them to stand up. Of course I should have photographed them standing up. (Well I did, but I mean I should have made them stand up, not me – can you tell I’m writing this far too quickly?) On the back you get to print your contact details, but there’s a big space for you to write or stick labels on. They also come with their own envelopes so you can put them in the post or leave them on the mantelpiece for when the intended recipient gets home or something.

I already gave my first one away to Suw for her birthday on Sunday – she got a pile of fruit from Berwick Street Market on hers. This of course was before the romper-suit stuff came up and she started feeling uneasy.

You can now order them from the moo meisters perfect for totally personalised “I’m sorry I completely screwed up omgwtfbbq” or “I love you, you’re my best friend” or “Stop lying there so ill, get up and dance around” or even “You’re mad and I’m mad. Let’s do something completely insane together” cards.

Bootstrapping online and offline

When I’m bragging (yes, I’m generally too modest, but occasionally it happens!) that the things I was talking feverishly about 2 years ago are now what make me a living, people often ask “So what are you talking feverishly about now” When I tell them “face-to-face ” they sometimes look a bit disappointed, but that’s really where I think the exciting stuff is going to happen in the next period.

What I’m particularly frisky about is the bootstrap effect – we’ve built a bit of a relationship online, then we enrich that relationship offline and face to face, then when we go back online it’s all been taken forward and we do more new and interesting things together… and so on… and so on… and so on….

So the must-do meatspace convergence points in my diary so far are:

NMK Forum
NMK Forum

VNU Blogs & Social Media Forum

Anything by Policy Unplugged
Policy Unplugged

Chinwag Live

Second Chance TuesdaySecond Chance Tuesday

Interesting 2007

Disclosure: each of these events is either giving me a press pass to come and blog or are paying me serious wonga for creating rich records of the day (all except for Interesting2007 for which I’d gladly pay twice the entry fee and possibly don an adult-sized romper suit – but that’s another story)

Surveillance Screening

I’ve been invited to a screening of Surveillance this Saturday (14th April) at midday at the NFT but I have a prior commitment.

According to the blurb the film was well received at the Berlin Film Festival recently and I just spoke to Paul the Director who tells me that it’ll be going to Seattle and Chicago later in the year. I have been given a DVD copy (and watched the first 20 minutes, which hooked me) so I’m going to blog about it when I’ve had a proper look.

If you’d like to go see it (and if you blog about it that would be lovely too) then give me a shout and I’ll put you in touch with the production team.