The audioblogger returns…in Stereo

OK, so I got a new mic at last. The old clip-on one finally fell to pieces around Christmas when it got pulled in and out of my one-man-media-empire back once too often. I got round to popping into Maplin’s yesterday and picked up this omni-directional stereo jobby which seems to work quite nicely thank you.

Paul the Clanger comes out a bit nasal when he wears it like this, but I’m fortunate that I can clip it onto my shirt and only annoy you a little with the occasional wire knocking the mic or mobile phone going off.

Audioblog 060630

I’d like to reinstate this routine for myself, so if you like this stuff, subscribe to the feed with your favourite podcatcher.

Mentions today for policyunplugged, working2gether, gapingvoid, johnnie moore and stormhoek.

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Camcorder Catch 22

So I’ve seen these new camcorders from JVC


Of particular interest to me in the last few weeks as all I seem to have been doing is downloading video from tape which happens in real time, and then my PC takes as long again to process that into a file and again to take it into the editing package. So a twenty minutes of footage can take an hour from the time I plug in my camera to when I can actually get down to what I set out to do in the first place. An hour during which of course my PC is out of action for anything else and so I am out of action for all practical purposes too.

So, lovely. Here’s something that might help – a camcorder that records straight to a hard disk albeit in a less than superb format, but nonetheless, it must be worth having a look at. How can I get my hands on one?

Hey, perhaps they’d like a videoblogger to trial one for them – if he liked it a lot and then blogged about it, they’d get some good vibes in the blogosphere, which of course all press people know is “a good thing” – other videobloggers looking for a new toy might go out and buy one, etc.  Well I took a look at the JVC site and found the details of Niomi Jayasinghe in the press office and asked her by e-mail if I could borrow one for review purposes – isn’t that how it works?

Well yes, and no. After a little misunderstanding where she thought I was asking for a freebie to keep forever and ever, Niomi said  “The only way I can help you is by sending you a
review sample for two-three weeks.” Yes, that’s what I was after. “And usually
I need to see a review before sending anything out” uh-huh.

Well that would be cool if I were from “What AmateurDigiCamCorder Monthly” but all I have is reviews of is men’s grooming products…ahem… So I tried again: “I do think this would be a great product for bloggers like us but
reviewing kit is just something we haven’t done before and we’re caught
in a bit of a Catch22 if we can’t start reviewing until we’ve done a
review.  If you could waive your usual rule on seeing prior reviews in
this case and let us borrow a camera for a couple of weeks we would be
able to turn something round very quickly and we’d be enormously

That was 2 weeks ago.

I just got mail from Niomi:

“I do
totally understand your predicament but I’m afraid until I see a review I am
unable to lend you any product.

I do apologise.”

So, if you want to know whether to get a JVC Everio, don’t ask me.  Ask someone who can afford one. Or read one of the really useful pieces of marketing on the JVC site.


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Let’s all go down the Strand (‘ave a banana)

Image004.jpgSo the Swan Youth Theatre of the eighties reunionised itself on Saturday night with fabulous help from Richard Jones, Clair Hector, Adrian Phillips and Kathy Jones. All of whom are pictured here together with Rufus Norris, Marc Dugmore, Ali Nott, Viv Norris and Richard Sockett (this was a recreation of a press photo of this lot dressed up as pearly kings and queens except with Richard Sockett taking the place of a sadly absent Gill Brewis).

As well as Gill, we (err… I) most missed seeing Rosie Blunn, John Doyle, Iain Hake, James Barriscale and those Eastwood siblings.

Helen has lots of pics and doubtless there’ll be plenty more.

Who else was there – my memory holds (excepting partners…in no significant order and with apologies for the use of maiden names and any obvious omissions I should be ashamed of) Sarah Kenny-Smith , Nick Blunn, Jane Kenny Smith, Simon Atkins, Tanya Davis, Graham Brown, Kevin Hector, Emma Griffiths, Rachel Houghton, Georgie Brewster, Caroline Derry, Sally Bowcott, Paul Hughes, older people were Chris Crosswell, Bob Peachey, Frank Wellbourne (thanks adrian), Renee Chester and a late entry by Paul Milton.

It was an extremely pleasant evening, what a lovely bunch of people to be part of and very nice to make contact with them all again (and give some of them google entries for the first time!)

But March 2007 seems so far away…

Gia has managed to get permission to start showing sneak previews of Sunshine on the film’s blog.

Go see Danny Boyle’s intro to Sunshine.

Gia explains:

My colleagues Phil and Damien interviewed Danny Boyle a while back. A bit later on, they took a video camera into the edit and pressed record while the editors were viewing scenes. Then Damien took the interview and the sneaky edit suite footage and cut it all together using music by the fabulous Digitonal. After a bit of persuading, Danny and Producer Andrew Macdonald agreed to let me put it up.

The resulting trailer-embryo bears more than a passing resemblance to the “You ought to string DVD pirates up by their guts for peddling this shit” adverts showing in cinemas at the moment. I half expected someone to get up and walk across the screen in the middle.

The videos are also nicely wrapped up in a feed for consumption by your favourite vid-aggregator.

Cheese 2.0

Cheesy? err... yesFollowing on from the marketing 2.0 content 2.0 debate earlier I was struck by this advertising on the side of a van which I spotted at Embankment on my way here. Not for the obvious reason but because I’d also just seen on Breakfast TV Charles Dunstone from Carphone Warehouse being grilled by Declan on why he hadn’t achieved perfection and complete enligtenment and got a bit of planning wrong (which he’s admitted to on his blog where he’s now also explaining what they’re doing about it.) Now Mr Dunstone’s blog might not be the shiniest and most blogworthy in the world. But I like a man who does this much better than someone who slaps a half-naked girl on the side of a van to sell me more cheese – which I don’t eat by the way, no matter how many naked girls they show me.