Kickstart these please: @philcampbell @debbiedavies @monkchips

I’ve been through four crowd-funding campaigns myself now. It’s not an experience I would heartily recommend to friends, although I think a lot more learning has been done now about what works. I was, at times, turned into a link-spouting push-marketer of the worst kind, but I also got to do some cool stuff and was glad to have involved a large group of people in helping make things happen and I learned a lot about the actual value and perceived value of my work.

That aside, I see three of my pals engaged in the closing stages of their campaigns and I suggest you have a look and see if there’s anything there that floats your boat. They’re all fun and worthy of support in my view – I present them here in closing date order – if you can give them all a fiver it would make me smile and make some goodness happen in various bits of the world. Thankyou.

Phil Campbell wants to put social-software enabled plasma screens in independent retailers in Nottingham, from cake shops to barbers and it’s all open-source based on Raspberry Pi.

closes just after midnight UK time on Friday 24th/Saturday 25th.

Debbie Davies will be taking an interactively-illuminating spaceship to Burning Man 2013. I have actually sat on some of the timber she’s going to use to build it!

closes just *before* midnight UK time on Saturday 25th/Sunday 26th.

James Governor is turning an old warehouse into the Shoreditch Village Hall providing a focal point for the startup community – there are plenty of places to hangout or work in Shoreditch but most have some corporate agenda – this one’s for the folk.

closes late on Friday June 7th UK time.

Connecting to Fargo

This is a not a very interesting post demonstrating something that’s a bit mind-blowing. I’m writing this in Fargo, the web-based HTML5 outliner from Dave Winer’s new company. It hit version 0.54 today and now includes posting to a wordpress blog.

So I’m trying it out. I mean, I’m trying out the wordpress functionality – I’ve been playing with Fargo for a little while now. It has all the thought-organising outlining power of the OPML Editor but it just sits on a web page and stores the actual text file in my Dropbox account. This means I don’t have to start up a separate app and I can keep a bunch of outlines open at all times in the place where I’m doing most of my work – the files are autosaved every now and then (I just saw “SAVE” pop up in the sidebar)

Another thing I really value is the way new features are introduced. I haven’t had to install anything new (just give the page my blog details) and nothing is broken since earlier on today before the new version came in – I just reopened my browser and my outlines were there, just the same.